Zippr & Thyrocare. A 21st Century At-Home Diagnostics Solution!


Zippr is happy to announce its partnership with Thyrocare.

If you didn’t already know, Thyrocare is the World's largest Diagnostic Centre and Pathology lab situated in India, with its focus being on providing quality preventive healthcare services at affordable costs.

What this means for our customer?
Thyrocare’s integration with us means that Zippr Smart Addresses can now begin facilitating reliable and accurate diagnostic tests at a user’s dwelling itself. Bringing convenience and utility to those members of the family who aren’t as mobile as others or those who do not have the time to visit diagnostic centres for tests.

How do I order a test?
To order a test all you have to do is select the Zippr where you want the test to be conducted and tap the ‘Schedule Test’ icon against Thyrocare
Order the kind of test you want and enter in your phone number, date and time in the provided  fields and you’re done. 
Shortly after you book a test you’ll receive a phone call to confirm your booking. After doing so a Thyrocare representative will be dispatched to your location in accordance with your booking date & time. Standard rates apply. 

At home diagnostic tests offered by Thyrocare include..

  1. Lipid Profile
  2. Vitamin Profile
  3. Liver Function
  4. T3-T4-TSH
  5. Pro Aarogyam 1.2
  6. Pro Aarogyam 1.3
  7. Pro Aarogyam 1.7

Addresses have evolved to the needs of the 21st century. Why hasn’t yours?

Join the Zippr Revolution today!

Zippr is available for Android and iOS.

If your phone isn't supported, fret not! You can always use the Webapp (from your desktop or phone) that carries almost the same functionality as the mobile app.


Reference site about Lorem Ipsum, giving information on its origins, as well as a random Lipsum generator